Horticulture therapy uses plants to stimulate interest, increase attention and concentration and motivate participants. Horticulture is an excellent leisure skill that children can use all their lives. It develops prevocational skills in a pleasant environment. Working with plants in a group stimulates the development of social skills as well as fine motor strength and dexterity. Working with plants within a group setting can reduce rigidity and anxiety.
Some of our activities include:
1. Making Bisomim boxes, learning about different kinds of bisomim and from what plants or trees they are taken
2. Learning fun facts about unique plants
3. Growing golden pathos plants which were taken home
4. Growing string beans, beets and lettuce in a window box garden
5. Learning how to take care of indoor/outdoor plants
6. Creating an outdoor planter garden
7. Monthly trip to the Garden of Hope-a therapeutic garden created at Good Samaritan Hospital. Mrs. Meore, who is a horticulture therapist and social worker had the children planting and taught the children many interesting facts about plants.
8. End of year pizza party as a reward for the group learning to cooperate with each other, such as taking turns, working in pairs, listening to each other, and simple conflict resolution strategies!